OWS goes to the movies

Before I get going, look at this: http://goo.gl/Fo0WK

We've all seen the mockery of the Tea Baggers with their goofy tea bags dangling from tricorn hats. We've seen the price rampant patriotism can have on one's ability to think clearly or somehow mix up Jesus with the American flag. There's been vague accusations of racism -- and somewhere deep in the ranks, there is -- but certainly not the majority. Not consciously, anyway.

Enter the OWS crowd. Clearly, a left-wing movement. If not in direct opposition to the Tea Party, it probably wouldn't have gotten as much traction without the right-wingers thumping their Bibles and loading their guns at the last election cycle.

Imagine an alternate universe, where the Tea Party abandoned 1776 as the time when rainbows and butterflies burst from the orifices and fountain pens of our Founding Fathers, but instead harkened back to an earlier time -- 1605, when Guy Fawkes decided to start amassing gun powder to blow up Parliament. Imagine the outrage of the left-wingers if the Tea Baggers decided to wear Guy Fawkes masks, from the film "V is for Vendetta." What would the comments be like? "Fawkes was a terrorist and this is what the Tea Party wants as an image?" Or maybe, "A comic book, Tea Party? Really? That's the best you can do?"

In short, the left would have lambasted the fist-shaking Tea Baggers as intellectual lightweights who not only use the lowest form of literature as their inspiration, but don't even understand the real story behind their patron.

OK, this is a bit of a hypothetical argument, but I think it's plausible. We all want lower taxes; we all would like more money in our pockets, but the OWS crowd isn't helping. It already had an image problem, considering its unfocused, chaotic message -- if simply shaking your fists at Wall Street because they have so much money even rises to the auspices of being a "message." Now, they've modeled themselves after a comic book, a middling film, and a true-life kook. Wow, nice job, OWS. Way to garner respect for your cause.Whatever the heck your cause is.

Get back to me when you figure out that little detail.


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