A Victory for Sociopaths!

Sociopaths, rejoice! Casey Anthony, according to even the most casual observer, appears to have murdered her daughter, kept the body in her car for nearly two weeks, and then dumped the stinking corpse in the woods. Her acquittal is a victory for guilty criminals everywhere, present and future. It gives them hope that even the flimsiest defense can still be victorious -- as long as more than one flimsy defense is presented at a time.

It seems Anthony's lawyers have stumbled on a little glimmer of genius in their fumbling, incompetent way. They have revealed that the American attention span has become so brief and critical thinking skills have become so dull, that a new defense can be presented daily, with no substance to back it up. First, the father did it; that was pursued briefly, but then quietly dropped. Then, the brother did it. That wasn't pursued at all; once the brother took the stand, the defense made no mention of it to him. The mother was likely in the mix somewhere, as daughters are likely to blame their mothers for all kinds of evils visited upon them.

The jury was a proverbial wall for the Defense's varied bag of shit theories. Maybe juror five believed the brother did it and juror eleven believed the father did it and juror eight, nine, ten, and two believed the mother was somehow at fault for Casey's sociopathic ways. It didn't matter that no one defense was ever solidified or proven. In our wonderful age of being two seconds away from any kind of information -- when we can "google" anything from General Relativity to ancient gods of Babylon -- it becomes clear how shallow our thinking has become. Who needs a newspaper, when I can skim the headlines on my iPhone? The Anthony Defense team has inadvertently held a mirror up to us and found a nattering, cellphone-bound, ADHD-afflicted primates.

Apparently Casey's blatant selfishness, childishness, and total lack of concern of her daughter's whereabouts in no way roused suspicion among a single juror. Who cares if the child was missing a full month before it was reported? If it had been Easter, the Defense could have introduced the Easter Bunny among the list of suspects... and it appears at least one out of twelve people just might believe it.


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