Climb aboard the Sheen crazytrain!

I'll start with the least important first: Charlie Sheen. Trainwreck? Oh, yeah. "Winner"? Um, no -- but I'm not looking down my nose at the latest Hollywood manic. Let's face it, guys -- he's living a man's dream. Two great looking women, lotsa money, and more leisure time than anyone should have. Frankly, if a man between the ages of 18 and 85 says anything bad about that arrangement, they're either lying or so uptight that they need lube to shit.

It's the drugs that are the problem.The other stuff, I could live with. But he's gone off the deep end, maybe not because of genetics, but possibly because of extended meth use. And his ex-wife is not much better. Damn shame for the kids, really. Chances are, they'll be raised in the same bubble Charlie grew up in and become adults who think they're entitled to all the hedonistic pleasures the world has to offer. Who knows? Maybe they are. Maybe God just likes the rich folks better. With that in mind, maybe Mr. "Adonis DNA" has a point. Wasn't it the Hippies who thought that drugs expanded your mind? Maybe Charlie knows something that we don't. Maybe he is favored by the gods and we're just mucking around in the slime, awaiting his latest tweet.

Depressing, huh?

Next is the labor dispute in Wisconsin and Ohio. Labor unions are losing collective bargaining rights. Is it for the best? Well, unions do get sweetheart deals that cost the government ludicrous amounts of cash, while the rest of us scrape by (I currently have no health insurance at my place of employment). It's sad for the union workers, but the fact is, it's time to cut back. For EVERYONE to cut back. The private sector has been taking it in the teeth for the past few years; it must trickle to the unions. Serious cuts have to be made, shit that we didn't even think about cutting. For instance, some conservatives would like the Department of Education cut. It didn't exist before the 1960's and we did fine. There's an argument to be made, maybe a good one, but the department certainly won't be cut entirely. Given the state of education in this country, the department hasn't exactly made itself look good.

With that said, I think the Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot. They got a little high on themselves, just like they did in '93 (I think that's the year of the "freshman." I hate that term.). They'll pop into power and pop right out again because the folks who wanted smaller government are now understanding how much they relied on that big government. They always want the other guy's programs cut, not their own. Like the Tea Baggers who bemoan the huge government, but don't want you to touch their Social Security or Medicare.

Enough of that. Let's see how it plays out... unless you're Glenn Beck follower. If that's the case, you're fully convinced that the Communists are pulling the strings all over the world to cause unrest and finally take power, once and for all. McCarthy much? There's a red under every bed, right folks? Scaring people is the easiest shit in the world. There's nothing better than declaring a common enemy to unite disparate kooks -- even if that enemy is largely imaginary. We're little more than jittery primates with fancy toys.


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