Should radical Islam dance on our grave?

I'm going to make a brief post regarding the mosque proposed to be built near the ruins of the Trade Center. Keep in mind, if you don't already know, I'm all for the elimination of religion in politics. The last thing we need is to invite the mainstream schizophrenia of religion into our politicians, who already have a problem staying focused. We don't need a personalized, subjective invisible friend whispering in their ears. It's hard enough to get their attention.

Anyway, there's a proposal to build a mosque near the ruins of the Towers. Whoever stands up for this is a fool. No, really. I mean you. The problem with being a fool is it's damn near impossible to realize it. To quote Louis DePalma (Taxi) when talking to Tony Banta, "I wish you were smarter, so you'd know how dumb you are."

If you're in favor of the mosque at Ground Zero, congratulations. You're part of the population that is desperate need of being just a wee bit smarter to realize your own stupidity. Too bad that's a problem that requires ten-dimensional physics to unravel. You'll never understand.

One could argue that there are peace-loving Muslims -- and there very well could be. According to the Koran, the world would be just hunky-dory if everyone were a Muslim. The women would be quieter, that's for sure. Some people might call that paradise. Not me, mind you. My wife reads this blog. Peace-loving or not, the mosque does not belong there. Clearly, the radical, extra-looney Muslims will see the erection of a mosque at Ground Zero as a triumph. Allah is finally winning. The Great Satan has begun to fall.

No, really. It's the real world, out there. I'm saying this for the benefit of the naive, not for the folks who already agree with me. This will be a triumph in political arenas, as well. It will bring Islam into the mainstream in a way that it is in Britain -- a force to be feared by limp-wristed politicians who are terrified of reprisal (bombs) or even worse, bad poll numbers.

I'm not saying put a church or synagogue at Ground Zero (Oh, but wouldn't the latter really piss off those Muslim nuts?). Let's just not get religion involved at all. That's what brought on the tragedy -- "God" whispering in somebody's ear.


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