It's soon to be illegal to be an "illegal" in Arizona
There's a bunch of hoopla about this anti-illegal immigrant law in Arizona ( law to in effect Thursday ). The Left protests it as an over-reaching of constitutional powers granted to the police and the Right champions it as a step in the direction of "common sense law." Normally, I despise the phrase "common sense," because sense is anything but common. It was common sense at one time to stone adulteresses and to make virgin women marry the men who rape them because they're now "soiled." Oh, wait, that's still "common sense" in a few remaining cultures in the world -- so, it's even a better example of how bizarre "common sense" can be. But in this case, the Arizona case, I agree with the law. Americans are hurting for jobs; our economy is tanking. And in spite of what the Conservatives want everyone to believe, America is pretty much not the "best" at anything in the world, anymore. Except obesity. We're ...