
Showing posts from 2014

Ignorance is a disease with no vaccination

Is there a word for prideful, ostentatious ignorance? I can't think of one. If there is such a word, it could be applied to so many things in the human experience. Most of these things relate to personal beliefs, but something in particular has been troubling me for years: Ironically, the advent of the Internet has proliferated this Victorian-level distrust of science. Over a medium that is purely a monument to science, ignorance is proudly exclaimed and tries its best to refute anything discovered by the scientific method. I don't dismiss such stubborn ignorance because I understand where it comes from. To those who always believed that science was the "last word" in everything, suddenly being thrust into the knowledge and rumor overload of the Internet can cause the less well-read people to retreat into a shell of "trusting their gut feelings" for everything from aerospace to religion. Mostly, this is harmless belief in nonsense that devolves into dead-e...