Waxing Chaotic
What is freedom? Each political party tries its best to control us with emotional, empty words such as "freedom" and "patriotism." I'm sick of hearing about it. Critics of the Democrats say they're trying to "take away our freedom" by imposing national healthcare or increasing taxes. National healthcare takes away our choice to be irresponsible by forcing people to have healthcare and if money is freedom, then taxes indeed reduce freedom. That's the argument put forth by the Republicans and it appeals to my desire to have more money (but remember, everyone wants money -- even the wealthy). But more money doesn't always equal freedom. In fact, Americans have it pretty good. It could always get better, so, like I said, I'm not against having more money... but, as Americans, what do we need the money for? More stuff is always nice, but not necessary. What are the necessities money can buy? Food, shelter, and in America, healthcare. Healt...