
Showing posts from May, 2011

Dear Republicans:

Here are some points that need to be addressed before I consider you a viable party to lead the country: 1) Evolution is real. It is not a "theory" in the colloquial sense; it's a "theory" the way gravity is a theory, meaning, it really exists, but the details aren't fully discovered. If you propose that an invisible man or woman (as if a god needed the differentiation) started the evolutionary ball rolling... well, you can believe that -- but nothing supports this idea. If you choose to use the Bible as a point of proof, the creatures pretty much sprung up from magic pixie dust in Genesis -- so, no evolution there. In short, understand you have no proof and no proof = imaginary, so treat it as such and shut up about it. 2) Morals exist without any divine intervention. Every society, regardless of which god they worship, has some kind of laws and morals because it keeps society together. Imagine a society without morals... how would it hold together if s...