My God, it's full of stars
Ever since I was child, I had a fascination with science. I loved dinosaurs as a toddler and youngster (more than most kids; I learned the names and eras they lived in) and as a tween I watched the entire Cosmos series. One would think my parents would expect me to become a scientist or at the very least, do something useful with my life. Unfortunately, my appallingly average intellect and above-average slothfulness prevented me from entering the sciences. In fact, it's a bit laughable that science interests me at all. What do you think of when someone says "science"? After I think of that Thomas Dolby song from the eighties, I think of math. Lots of math with indecipherable symbols and abstractions and plenty of square roots canceling out fractional imaginary numbers. Impenetrable math. Truth be told, I was terrible at math. Not just terrible in a average sense -- but terrible in the sense that I was put into a special remedial math program when I was in fourth grade, ...