An Inside Wager
Religion, any religion, is absolutely indefensible. After many hours spent listening and reading arguments from True Believers, I've come to realize that this utterly irrational stance cannot be justified or defended. The funny thing is, the True Believers know it. They know it the same way we fully expect our feet to hit the ground as we rise out of bed in the morning; it's something so basely fundamental, that we know it without being cognizant of it. It's the subconscious way we speak and understand our native language, while every other language sounds like silly gibberish. Deep inside most people is a creature lurking in the deep night of the unconscious and that creature keeps the secret motivation of Pascal's Wager away from the conscious mind. For clarity, Pascal's Wager refers to Blaise Pascal, stating that (paraphrased) it's better to believe in a god and be wrong than not believe and be wrong. He was speaking specifically of the god Yaweh and Yahw...